Fab & Fail List: Sunday 26th January 2014

The Fab List

The new Beyonce album – I know this appeared on a previous F&F list, but after a few more listens I’m loving it even more. Go Queen Bey!

Finding out Desperate Housewives (all series!) are available on Now TV.


Cadury Creme Egg ice-creams – wonder how many of these I can get in before Easter?

Getting my hair trimmed – frizz be gone!


Garnier BB cream – surprisingly good.

The Fail List

PBWG – which stands for post bikini wax grump. It’s like my body goes into a mood with me for putting it through pain (and paying for it) and so goes into a self-induced post-treatment grump. I find Jaffa Cakes a good cure. 

Fab or Fail: Sunday 10th November 2013

I spent most of this week in Dublin at a conference for work, so…

The Fab List

Being reunited with my lovely Hubby on Friday night, proper Love Actually style at the Arrivals gate in Birmingham Airport.

Flying – OK, so it’s only a 40 or 50 minute flight over to Dublin, but I still love it.

My hard work paying off – After weeks of planning, plotting and sending things to print, it was good to see the event come together with only minor hiccoughs.

Drinking Guinness in Dublin – not sure if it’s psychosomatic but a pint (or half) of the black stuff always tastes better in Ireland.

Being proud of my home town – when it was announced that Stourbridge was going to become a ‘Tesco-town’ I was sceptical. Turns out it’s given the town a vibrancy which it has lacked for years. Now LOADS of fantastic independent stores have opened up and it’s actually possible to spend a couple of hours wandering around the town centre.

Being told I look younger than someone who is 24 – oh yeah!

Christmas adverts – the holiday’s are coming peoples!

The Fail List

Spending most of the week in Dublin and missing my lovely Hubby.

Fighting over water at the hotel in Dublin. The hotel was experiencing water shortages between 8am and 8pm – interesting -you could say.

Getting a stinky winter cold on my return to England.

How’s your week been?